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profile picture of Craig Boatman

Craig Boatman, Psy.D.

I am a native of the Washington metropolitan area and a licensed clinical psychologist with over 33 years of experience in addressing a broad range of mental health concerns in providing treatment to individuals, couples and families.

Throughout my career, I have provided psychotherapy in a variety of clinical settings such as college counseling centers with graduate and undergraduate students, community health centers with suburban and urban populations and correctional facilities. Over the past 10 years my clientele has been primarily individuals experiencing symptoms of anxiety.

Educational Background
  • Psy.D. in psychology from Williams James College with a specialization in family and group therapies (1988)

  • M.A. Degree in Social Psychology from Boston University (1980)

The diversity of the settings in which have served has led me to develop a holistic and integrative approach to treatment. This approach uses a mind-body medicine perspective within a biopsychosocial framework. In essence, it assesses how the various mental, emotional, physical and behavioral aspects of ourselves are impacted negatively by “toxic” or injurious events and experiences. Collaborative designed interventions and corrective experiences and strategies are developed and implemented are executed positively promote healing.

Specifically, the above approach is based on the idea that mental distress is due to “toxic experiences” which cause toxic distress which impact any one of a variety of human systems and is displayed by symptoms of depression, anxiety and trauma to name some of the most common. The toxic experiences impact includes one’s mental system/your mind (e.g., negative thoughts), emotional system/your heart (e.g., negative feelings), biological-physiological system/your body (e.g., acute stress symptoms such as headaches or nausea) and behavior system/your actions (e.g., insomnia or restlessness) that can have significant overall health consequences if not properly managed by the appropriate coping strategies or skills for each system impacted. For those who are spiritually inclined, this aspect of yourself/your spirit is also included in your treatment process if desired.

Please give me a call to learn more about my approach.

Contact information

For further questions or to schedule please call


  • Family systems theory

  • Couples counseling

  • Multicultural/Diversity issues and awareness

  • Depression and anxiety

  • © 2021 Bravo Psychological Group